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Olympics ready for first female boxers

The excitement of the GB boxing squad is palpable, not least because this will be the first time women will be boxing at the Olympics.

Nicola Adams is Britain’s most decorated female boxer, she is now hoping to add a gold medal to her collection and has a good chance of doing so.

Ranked second in the world, Nicola has made a remarkable recovery from an injury in 2009 that laid her flat for three months and almost saw her missing the GB selection team.

This spring Nicola received a silver medal at the world championship in China after narrowly conceding to world champion Ren Cancan who was fighting on home turf.

Since then she has been with the GB boxing team in Sheffield, where she said: “the training has gone really well.”

Nicola, who is full of smiles, described her Olympic experience so far, she said: “It has been very exciting coming into the village, the food hall is great!”

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